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May 30 - June 1, 2024
hosted by University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54702-4004, USA


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Friday, May 31, 2024
9:45 AM

Dr. Vivek Varma
VP Consulting, Integrated Analytic Solutions, Chicago

Dr. Vivek Varma is a business and technology professional who has led global teams to grow multimillion dollar consulting business in Systems Integrations and Cloud Engineering Practice areas, and delivered Digital Transformation, M&A Integrations, Data & Analytics to Fortune-listed clients and Federal and State governments. He has over 20 years experience in industry and consulting (including 13+ years at Deloitte). At Nielsen IQ, he focused on serving global leaders in Consumer Packaged Goods industry. In the past, he has worked extensively in Financial Services, High Tech, Power & Utilities and Public Sector verticals. As a thought leader, he has presented his work at several international conferences and industry events. His topics of interest include Tech Trends, Applied AI, Disruptive Strategy/Innovation, and Leadership & Management. He holds BS and MS degrees in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, India, and Ph.D. from The University of Melbourne, Australia, in building Decision Support System for Sustainable Development. He has been active as mentor/coach (PMI Chicagoland et al.) and serves on the Boards of several not-for-profit organizations. Lives in Chicagoland with wife and children.

Success and challenges in enterprise Gen AI applications
This paper describes a couple of use-cases from the enterprises where OpenAI ChatGPT assistants were used in a limited manner. Two uses-cases are focused on project management and investment decisions. Benefits derived and the challenges faced are discussed. Live demo will also be performed as part of the presentation.

Friday, May 31, 2024
10:45 AM

Sanjaikanth E Vadakkethil Somanathan Pillai
Staff Site Reliability Engineer, Visa Inc.

Sanjaikanth E. Vadakkethil Somanathan Pillai, a Senior Member of IEEE, is a results-driven professional with over 19 years of extensive experience in research and technology. Currently, he serves as a Staff Site Reliability Engineer at Visa Inc. in Austin, Texas. He earned his MS in Software Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, USA, and his BE from the University of Calicut, India, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at the University of North Dakota, USA. His research spans mobile networks, network security, privacy, location-based services, and misinformation detection. He coauthored the book "Routing Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Procedure for Energy Efficient Routing," collaborating with other leading academics in the field. Sanjaikanth has demonstrated significant leadership and expertise in academia, serving as a Technical Program Committee Member for various IEEE conferences and as an Editorial Review Board Member for esteemed international journals. He has also served as a keynote speaker and session chair at numerous international conferences.
Sanjaikanth holds multiple patents, including "Cyber Security Detecting and Alerting Device" and "AI Based Network Intrusion Detection Device." He is an Associate Editor at the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Disciplines (IJAISD) and the Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR), and he contributes to several other prestigious international scholarly journals. Additionally, he is an Editorial Review Board Member for the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Fields (IJAIEF). He has also participated as a Hackathon Judge in various industry and university-level competitions, providing expert evaluations to participants. A distinguished Senior Member of IEEE, he is also a full member of Sigma Xi and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Sanjaikanth has published over 30 works in leading journals and conferences, including IEEE publications. His research papers have won the Best Paper Award at both the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems (ICICACS) and the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques (ICDCOT).

Privacy in Motion: Privacy-Preserved Secure Location-Based Services (LBS)
Location-Based Services (LBS) offer mobile users access to amenities based on their current location, such as listing nearby McDonald’s outlets. To ensure these services remain relevant, effective filtering is essential, displaying only the nearest options and excluding irrelevant ones from distant locations, like showing Texas listings to users in North Dakota. Central to LBS is the requirement for users to share their location, raising concerns about data usage and privacy. Given the increasing focus on privacy, many users are reluctant to disclose their locations to access LBS benefits. This presentation introduces innovative solutions to this privacy challenge, particularly the Private Proximity Testing (PPT) technique. PPT uses ElGamal encryption to secure data transmission, allowing users to protect their location information from LBS providers. At the same time, merchants can keep their service details private, ensuring comprehensive privacy protection for both users and merchants.

Friday, May 31, 2024
3:45 PM

Prasenjit Banerjee
Director, Success Architects
at Salesforce

Prasenjit Banerjee is a Director of architecture at Salesforce for Data Cloud. He has 16 years of experience in Technical architecture, Enterprise architecture, Cloud Computing, API Security, Cybersecurity, Microservice architecture. He leads a team of Salesforce technical architects who in turn engage with customers at an advisory level to conduct assessment of their Enterprise, Integration and Data architecture needs and provide recommendations. Prasenjit has a Bachelor of Technology from West Bengal University of Technology in India and MBA from University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Prasenjit is passionate and excited about the possibilities of a new era of AI and DataScience and what potential it holds for us to serve the world for greater good. Prasenjit is actively involved with the IEEE Computer society to learn about the new research in Data Science and AI and also share his learning, while working for one of the pioneers in Data, Cloud and AI in the field.
Prasenjit lives in Naperville with his wife Tamalika and two kids who are now 5 and 7 years old, an English Creme Golden retriever named Gogol and a Persian cat named TinTin. While Prasenjit is not working, he enjoys outdoors either biking or running.

How to build a Composable Enterprise with APIs and Monetize it
In today's world, Organisations are running into serious problems dealing with the complexity that arises from the sheer number of applications, systems and data sources within their businesses. Industry benchmark report shows the average enterprise has data in 900 different systems, and only one-third of them are integrated. Business organisation's success lies in unlocking the data, wherever it exists (on-premises, in the cloud, legacy infrastructure) in a way that helps them go faster while still maintaining governance, visibility and security. Every capability that the business has or it needs to develop, can be encapsulated in the form of an API and these APIs can be leveraged internally as well as externally (if required) while taking care of governance, visibility and security. A Marketplace of APIs will serve as reusable building blocks and will allow for self-service . In this workshop, we will look at an API First approach to building a business
  • How to think about APIs as Products instead of IT projects.
  • How to build the API Strategy for the enterprise.
  • How to design APIs as Lego building blocks to create an ecosystem of APIs
  • How to make APIs Reusable, Discoverable
  • How to manage your APIs to make them secure, resilient and scalable
  • How to monetize or build chargeback models to generate revenue or cover IT costs
This is going to be an interactive session with real world examples of how businesses big and small have been able to turn their IT from a cost centre to an revenue generating asset by leveraging the principles of Composable enterprise.

Saturday, June 1, 2024
9:45 AM

Dr. Joe Wildenberg
Radiology & Imaging
Vascular Medicine & Surgery
Mayo Clinic

Joe Wildenberg is a Vascular and Interventional Radiologist at the Mayo Clinic Health System. His clinical work combines the latest medical imaging technologies to accomplish procedures using a needle that used to require major surgery. In addition, his research into AI and medical informatics focuses on how these tools can augment medical professionals to improve patient access, efficiency and, someday, control the ever-increasing costs of healthcare.

How Modular AI tools can break into the Medical Industry
Although Medicine often lags other industries in the adoption of emerging technologies (and for good reasons), AI is finally having an impact on way medical professionals practice and interact with patients. There are many challenges, ranging from interoperability, highly specialized knowledge, hesitancy to add cost to an already-costly interaction and the unpredictability of dealing with patients (who are not just data). However, trust stands out as a hurdle that will be difficult to overcome. Trust in an algorithm will require not only that we believe it is accurate, but that we have a good understanding of its scope and failure modes. We will discuss how smaller, more modular, algorithms can fit into existing niches that do not require a complete rethink of the industry to become viable.

Saturday, June 1, 2024
1:15 PM

Tarek Lahdhiri, PhD, PE, PMP, BB-DFSS, SM-IEEE

Dr. Lahdhiri received the degree of MS-EE in Communication Systems in 1990 and the PhD degree in Control Systems in 1995. Dr. Lahdhiri is currently working for General Motors LLC in Warren, Michigan, where he is holding the position of Global Strategy Leader for Real-Time Control Systems Simulations and Automation within the Global Validation Department.
Dr. Lahdhiri is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in the State of Michigan, licensed Project Management Professional (PMP) by the Project Management Institute (PMI), and Master Black Belt DFSS certified by General Motors LLC.
Dr. Lahdhiri authored and co-authored over 16 journal papers and 35 conference papers and his areas of interest include Control Systems, Systems Engineering, Real-Time Modeling and Simulation, and Engineering Management.
Dr. Lahdhiri is a Senior IEEE member and has been leading several activities within the IEEE organization. Currently, he is the IEEE Region 4 (Central USA) PACE Chair, member of the IEEE-USA Career Professional Development (CPD). Recently, Dr.Lahdhiri held the position of IEEE-USA Vice President of Career Member Services (2018-2019).
Dr. Lahdhiri is the recipient of the 2001 IEEE-USA Professional Achievement Award, the 2004 IEEE-USA Professional Leadership Award, and the 2007 IEEE-USA Citation of Honor Award, and the 2012 IEEE Region 4 Jack Sherman Award.
Contact Dr. T. Lahdhiri

Electronic Control Units Development: V-Cycle
This workshop introduces the V-Cycle for the development of Electronic Control Units (ECU) in industrial applications. The workshop will explain the different phases of the V-cycle: Starting with the requirements, Modeling, rapid-prototyping, Code generations, Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing, and calibration. Participants will learn basic techniques and tools used in the V-cycle. The workshop will include several examples related to automotive applications.